Violin Compositions

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F Major for Violin and Piano

I composed this piece, originally on the piano, but later decided making it a duet with both piano and violin sounded like a good idea.

May 2020

Piece in F Major

This piece was called 'untitled' for a really long time, and apart from three (incomplete) measures, I had literally nothing. Whatever I tried, it never worked out. I didn't like it, couldn't find the right harmonies to it, etc... 

I suppose being in a total lockdown has its positive aspects; I've spent myentire afternoon just writing this. 

March 2020

Soft Duet for Violin&Cello

I originally composed this on the piano, but the second voice is to simple for it to be played on the piano. So I thought violin and cello would work really well!

October 2019

The Fall

I'm not used to composing for cellos, so this is quite different. This is also the first piece I actually found a name for.

July 2019

Calm Duet

I never really have names for my compositions, so I usually give it the name of the key of 'format' (duet, solo,...)

I especially love the second (piano/harpe) voice in this!

May 2019

Fast Duet

Definitely one of my favourite pieces I've composed!

April 2019

Melody for Violin in B minor

December 2018

Melody for Violin in D minor

I like how this turned out! I also performed this in 'Five Minutes of Fame'.

November 2018